Staff Resources
Employee/Member Assistance Programs
MSAD 58 offers an Employee Assistance Program sponsored by Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield. The plan is available to all school employees and their household members. The website can be accessed by visiting and entering MEABT to login.
Aspire365 - MEA Benefits Trust and Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield have a partnership whereby they provide same-day access to comprehensive mental health care for MEABT members ages 12 and older. This program can connect members with a long-term in-home treatment program that provides primary mental health, primary substance abuse, and co-occurring disorder treatment. Aspire365 can be accessed by visiting
- Gmail & Google Apps
- PowerTeacher
- PowerSchool PD+ - Email Amanda to get an account for access to the platform.
- NWEA Login
- Mrs. Mitman's Math Resources
- Technology Resources Page
Staff Forms
Payroll, Benefits and HR Forms
HR Forms
Labor Contracts
Educational Technicians
AFSCME - Custodians, Bus Drivers, Mechanics, Maintenance
AFSCME - Administrative Assistants
Facility Forms
Incident Report Forms
- Employee Incident Report
- Supervisor Incident Report
- Student or Non-Employee Incident Report
- Dangerous Behavior Incident Report - Jan 2025
- Mandated Reporting Portal for Non-Emergency Use
From Board Policy JLF Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect: Suspected Child Abuse/ Neglect Form
Understanding Withdrawal Symptoms