2025-2026 PreK Information and Registration
Spring 2025
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We are delighted to offer public pre-kindergarten again to the children of MSAD 58 with classrooms at Kingfield Elementary School and Phillips Elementary School. You may consult the District Website 24-25 page for information about which streets attend which school in the new configuration. The program will be two full days in each school taught by a certified PreK teacher and educational technician. Students chosen to participate in these programs may ride the school bus to and from the program in their designated school. The buses will be equipped with a three-point harness system.
Children who will be four years of age by October 15, 2025 and live in the sending towns and unorganized territories for MSAD 58 may apply to participate in the PreKindergarten programs. Students eligible for Kindergarten will not be accepted in the PreK program. Selection for each of the district PreKindergarten classrooms will be determined by a lottery if needed. Applications will be drawn and a list created, with up to 16 students participating in each school program. If necessary, a waiting list will be created. Should one school’s program not be filled with children from that town, slots may be offered to the next students on the list. Families who take advantage of the slot, will need to transport their child to and from the available school, unless there is already an existing bus run that they may take advantage of.
Once you have submitted the Intent to Enroll, you will be contacted in June to complete the remaining paperwork for enrollment. During the enrollment you will need to complete or provide the following:
- Enrollment Forms
- Original Birth Certificate (office will make a copy)
- Proof of Residency
- Immunization Record
Laura Columbia
The first step in the process to enroll your child is to complete the Intent to Enroll. This can be done in one of two ways. You do not need to submit both the online form and the paper form.
- Download, complete and mail/deliver a paper copy of the form
Once your form has been received you will be contacted by the school for next steps.
Please contact the school if you have any questions.