School Board Sub Committee Agenda and Minutes » School Board Sub Committee Agendas and Minutes

School Board Sub Committee Agendas and Minutes

2023 - 2024 School Board Sub Committee Meetings
Monthly standing Sub Committee Meetings will be held as follows - Board Chair Jessica Cain and Superintendent Laura Columbia shall be ex-officio (non-voting) members of all standing sub committees.
Standing sub committees will be held on the first Thursday of each month at the times listed below.
  • Finance and Operations: 5:30 to 6:30 pm (Adam Bilodeau, Benjamin Davis (Committee Co-Chair), Kathy Doyon, Joe Ford (Committee Co-Chair), Jessie Stinchfield)
  • Academic: 6:30 to 7:30 pm (Joanne Bachelder, Benjamin Davis, Kathy Doyon, Susan Pratt (Committee Chair))
  • Personnel: 7:30 to 8:15 pm (Joanne Bachelder (Committee Chair), Brian Donovan, Alice Sozanski)
Educational Policy: Meetings will be held prior to scheduled School Board meetings from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. (Mary Nodine (Committee Chair), Susan Pratt, Kim Robinson, Jessie Stinchfield)
Date Location Agenda Minutes
August 1, 2023 Kingfield Elementary School
August 17, 2023 Kingfield Elementary School
September 5, 2023 Day Mountain Regional Middle School
Ed Policy - meeting canceled
September 21, 2023 Day Mountain Regional Middle School
Personnel - meeting canceled
Personnel - meeting canceled
October 5, 2023 Phillips Elementary School
Personnel - meeting canceled
October 19, 2023 Phillips Elementary School
November 2, 2023 Mt. Abram Regional High School
November 16, 2023 Mt. Abram Regional High School Ed Policy
December 7, 2023 Kingfield Elementary School
December 14, 2023 Kingfield Elementary School
January 4, 2024  
No Committee Meetings
No Committee Meetings
January 18, 2024 Mt. Abram Regional High School
February 1, 2024 Phillips Elementary School
Personnel - meeting canceled
Personnel - meeting canceled
February 15, 2024 Phillips Elementary School
Ed Policy - meeting canceled
Ed Policy - meeting canceled
March 7, 2024 Mt. Abram Regional High School
Personnel - meeting canceled
Personnel - meeting canceled
March 21, 2024 Mt. Abram Regional High School
Ed Policy - meeting canceled
Ed Policy - meeting canceled
April 4, 2024 Kingfield Elementary School
No Committee Meetings
No Committee Meetings
April 11, 2024 Kingfield Elementary School
Ed Policy - meeting canceled
Ed Policy - meeting canceled
May 2, 2024 Day Mountain Regional Middle School
No Committee Meetings
No Committee Meetings
May 16, 2024 Day Mountain Regional Middle School
Ed Policy
Ed Policy
June 6, 2024 Phillips Elementary School
Finance & Operations
June 20, 2024 Phillips Elementary School
Ed Policy - meeting canceled
Ed Policy - meeting canceled
July 11, 2024 (due to the 7/4 holiday) Mt. Abram Regional High School
Finance & Operations
Finance & Operations